During the production process anything could go wrong because of carelessness, improper operation of the machinery, improper voltage, water damage, etc.
An accident occurs sooner than you would think: while checking the production process you lean over and your mobile phone slips out of your pocket, right into the mixing tank. The whole production process can be compromised by the slightest occurrence.
Many delicate, very expensive items have to be replaced and experts are requisitioned from abroad to restore these defects as quickly as possible. Meanwhile however production has stopped with severe financial consequences.
A good all risks insurance coverage, including a profit loss, is there of great importance.
Considerations are:
You can insure all of your equipment or just certain machines: keep track of what to cover.
What about fire? Should you take an additional coverage or not?
The amounts insured against consequential loss should be checked and updated regularly
We can provide extra insurance coverage for accelerated transport, technicians from abroad, etc.
Contact us for an appointment.